This week my wife and I have been down south in the Caribbean on a getaway. Our vacation of choice over the years has been cruising. It’s hard to beat the value and amenities that you find on a cruise. If you disagree, feel free to comment, I have met many cruise “haters” over the years. After trying a few different cruise lines we landed and have stuck with Royal Caribbean. Simply put, we have just found that this line fits our style. They aren’t crazy party ships, the entertainment is fantastic and there is a very family friendly vibe on the ship. There is a great balance of relaxation and activity, it suits us well.
This time around we are sailing on the Navigator of the Seas. It is a wonderful ship that has recently been renovated. This is the fourth class of RCL Ship that we have travelled on now and one thing that impresses me about RCL, besides the food that seemingly never ends, is the consistency in the experience across multiple vessels. Not just multiple vessels but various sizes/classes of ships also. This was our first time travelling on this class of ship, however, it felt familiar from our first steps onto the ship. The restaurants are all the same, the layout is generally the same. There is consistency in the location of key amenities and venues. Colours, finishes and fixtures are the same from ship to ship too ship. The quality of service is wonderful regardless of where you are going and on what vessel.

Just think for a moment and imagine the strategic planning and preparation it would take to provide a nearly identical experience on more than 20 ships that were built and renovated over the course of 20 years. A tremendous amount of thought and strategic planning has gone into providing this level of consistency! It is impressive to say the very least.
What can we learn from RCL and how can it apply to you business/organization? I think we can all agree that providing our patrons with not only a quality but also a consistent experience is powerful in building brand trust and loyalty. Taking the time for proper planning and investing time, energy and resources into consistency and continuity for your organization/business will help generate repeat business and return customers.
How is your organization/company striving to provide a consistent experience to your customers? Do you have a plan for consistency and brand continuity today and for the years ahead?
We love helping companies and organizations lock in standards and best practices that provide consistent experiences. If there is anything we can do to help you attain congruent branding, messaging and experiences give us a call. We would love to provide you with a free one hour consultation to discuss your unique needs.